South Caucasian language family

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The Georgian alphabet is the writing system of the Georgian language. Georgian is the official language of Georgia, or sakartvelo (საქართველო, en: Georgia) in Georgian. The Georgian language is rich in word-formation mechanisms. The word sakartvelo is derived from kartveli (the people of Georgia) by adding prefix sa- and postfix -o.

The following javascript form transliterates Georgian scripts into Roman alphabets. Among the many romanization systems suggested for transliteration of the Georgian scripts, this form transliterates the given Georgian text by the national, ISO 9984, and BGN transliteration rules. The IPA representations are for the approximate phonetic values of the Georgian text.

Usage: Enter the string you want to romanize and press the button of the transliteration scheme of your choice.


Transcription rules   


Georgian text with transliteration   

Comma separated format

Conversion Table

LettersNationalISO 9984BGNLazIPAUnicode
A aA aА аА а/ɑ/U+10D0an
B bB bB bB b/b/U+10D1ban
G gG gG gG g/ɡ/U+10D2gan
D dD dD dD d/d/U+10D3don
E eE eE eE e/ɛ/U+10D4en
V vV vV vV v/v/U+10D5vin
Z zZ zZ zZ z/z/U+10D6zen
T tT' t'T' t'T t/tʰ/U+10D7t'an
I iI iI iI i/i/U+10D8in
K' k'K kK kK' k'/kʼ/U+10D9kan
L lL lL lL l/l/U+10DAlas
M mM mM mM m/m/U+10DBman
N nN nN nN n/n/U+10DCnar
O oO oO oO o/ɔ/U+10DDon
P' p'P pP pP' p'/pʼ/U+10DEpar
Zh zhŽ žZh zhJ j/ʒ/U+10DFžan
R rR rR rR r/r/U+10E0rae
S sS sS sS s/s/U+10E1san
T' t'T' t'T tT' t'/tʼ/U+10E2tar
U uU uU uU u/u/U+10E3un
P pP' p'P' p'P p/pʰ/U+10E4p'ar
K kK' k'K' k'K k/kʰ/U+10E5kan
Gh ghḠ ḡGh ghĞ ğ/ɣ/U+10E6ḡan
Q' q'Q qQ qQ q/qʼ/U+10E7qar
Sh shŠ šSh shŞ ş/ʃ/U+10E8šin
Ch chČ' č'Ch' ch'Ç ç/tʃ/U+10E9č'in
Ts tsC' c'Ts' ts'Ts ts/ts/U+10EAc'an
Dz dzJ jDz dzŽ ž/dz/U+10EBjil
Ts' ts'C cTs tsTs' ts'/tsʼ/U+10ECcil
Ch' ch'Č čCh chÇ' ç'/tʃʼ/U+10EDčar
Kh khX xKh khX x/x/U+10EExan
J jJ̌ ǰJ jC c/dʒ/U+10EFǰan
H hH hH hH h/h/U+10F0hae